Sooo....I finished JCore like 2 and a half months ago. Anyone with a real burning desire to know the outcome of my final fit test would likely have died of the suspense by now. Luckily for everyone, however, probably no one like that existed. So, great! Anyway, here's how I did:
All in all, not bad. It's definitely nice to see that I improved pretty consistently over the 40 days of this program.
Here are some other things I learned from doing JCore:
- I am so uninterested in fat-free dairy. I am seriously done with fat-free dairy. For real.
- I don't need to eat a minimum 1750 calories to feel full. I also don't need to eat every 2.5 hours either - provided that I'm eating more of the right things, i.e. protein and vegetables.
- I can cut most added sugars from my diet on most days and be fine.
- I greatly prefer whole eggs to egg whites - although egg whites are useful to have around for some recipes, like Oatmeal Protein Pancakes.
- Conundrum - it is much easier for me to get 100% DV of iron when I'm eating bread, but much harder to stay within my calorie budget.
- Knowing my workout will only be 20 minutes start to finish makes it so much easier to just get up and do it.
Overall, I thought JCore was a good program. I appreciated that the workouts were short, didn't need equipment, and could be done in a small amount of space, and that the nutrition program was easy to follow and stick to. I'll likely go through another 40 days of JCore some time in the future, but for now I'm doing the Basic program from You Are Your Own Gym (along with Boot Camp and TRX). My Boot Camp class will last 6 week and You Are Your Own Gym is a 10-week program, and after that I might do another round of Insanity. Maybe. I'm also really interested in doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution program sometime soon, and trying out CrossFit, and maybe even getting Hip Hop Abs now that it's so cheap (it's like 20 bucks now, and also I love Shaun T), but 3 workout programs at a time is probably enough for now :P.