Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What I Ate Wednesday: Insanity Edition

Hey there, blog pals!

So, yesterday at about 5 in the morning I decided on a whim that I would start another round of Insanity today.  As I'm sure is the case with many a 5am snap decision, this may or may not be a good idea.  But, I'm gonna do it, so I guess we'll just see how it works out.  My experience with JCore taught me that I shouldn't promise to blog my experiences every day, as this is extremely unlikely to happen.  But, at the very least I will post all my Fit Test results so I can track my progress on here.  Speaking of, here's how Fit Test 1 went:

The fit test is structured such that you are given 60 seconds for each exercise and the goal is to complete as many reps as you can.

Not too bad for the first day, although I did need to take a break in between the Globe Jumps and Suicide Jumps and then again between the Suicide Jumps and the Push-up Jacks.  I think part of the problem may have been that I ate my Meal 4 about an hour before doing the Fit Test, which was not enough time.  Also, I realize that I live in Hawaii and it's hot here, but I felt like I was extra sweaty when I was done.

But anyway it's Wednesday, and since today is Day 1 of Insanity I figured it would be a good day to do a What I Ate Wednesday post that features the meals I'm choosing from the Insanity Elite Nutrition Guide.  So, here we go:

Meal 1: Proatmeal (oatmeal with fruit and protein powder).

I didn't exactly follow the recipe for this one, only because I had already made a big batch of oatmeal last weekend that I want to finish up before making more.  The main difference was that this had brown sugar in it when it shouldn't have.

Meal 2: Greek yogurt with a diced apple and sliced almonds.

Meal 3: Salad with grilled chicken, cucumber, carrots, farro, pecans, (thawed) frozen peaches, and lemon juice.

This was extra delicious.  I'm not a huge fan of cold salads, so I warmed the chicken, farro, and peaches up in the microwave.  The juice released by the peaches mixed with the lemon juice made a great dressing.

Meal 4: Bean and cheese flatbread with broccoli.

Those of you who are familiar with the nutrition guide may notice that this meal isn't included as one of the Meal 4 choices.  But, for some reason I didn't find ANY of those choices appealing, so I made some substitutions.  To make this meal, I started with the Protein Pizza, then swapped the English muffin for a flatbread and used black beans instead of chicken.  And also left out the marinara sauce, but that's fine.

Meal 5: Scrambled eggs with spinach and feta, whole wheat toast, and strawberries.

This was supposed to be the Dinner Omelette, but I can't make an omelette to save my life.  The scrambled eggs were fine, though, I like having breakfast for dinner :).  I've been blogging instead of eating so now it's cold, but I'm too lazy to re-heat it.  So, cold non-omelette is what I'm having for dinner.

That's it for today!  I'll be back (at the very latest) on Day 14 with my Fit Test 2 results.

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