Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's Still August....

...but I really want it to be October.  I've been weirdly fixated on Halloween for the last week or so.  I had Pumpkin Spice coffee this morning, and I listened to Nightmare: Revisited on my iPod at work.  At the library last weekend I was very excited to find a book on spooky treats in the "Cookery" section.  I have to force myself to wait until at least September 22 to change the background of my computer at work to a fall scene.

Like this one!  Source

I'm honestly not entirely sure what my deal is.  The best I can come up with is that I'm prematurely overcompensating for the anticipated lack of fall weather here in Hawaii, sort of like a reverse SAD, if you will.  Autumn is my favorite season, and Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I guess I'm just not sure what they're going to look like over here.

Not that I should even be thinking about this yet.  As of yesterday, Kevin and I have only been here for a month.  I feel like it's pretty early for me to start pining for a change of season; as previously stated, it's still August.  It is NOT time for Halloween yet (although, I feel like I remember that some stores started putting out their Halloween candy at about this time last year, which is only ridiculous).

To look forward to: a friend of mine is tentatively planning a Halloween get-together which will probably involve watching Hocus Pocus (a.k.a. the BEST Halloween movie).  If this happens, I am 100% getting that book from the library and making some spooky treats.

I Googled 'disgusting Halloween food' and this is what I got.  Thanks, internet. Source. 


  1. Am I that friend? If so, the movie might be "Lost Skeleton of Cadavra" if I ever bring myself to buy it from Amazon.

    1. You are indeed that friend. And I'm thinking we might have to have a double feature.
