Friday, May 10, 2013

The ABCs of Sarah

Hello, friends!  I first saw this survey over at Pain Free Kitchen, and I thought it would be fun to do.  Here we go!

Addictions:  Right now it's Dark Chocolate Truffle coffee from Target, watching Lost on Netflix (I've never seen it before, so I don't even know what's going to happen!  It's so crazy!), giving my pal Maureen complete play-by-play recounts of every episode of Lost I see, Green & Black's 85% dark chocolate, and 'Madness' by Muse.


Bed size:  Full, maybe?  I don't really know, the bed was here when we moved in.

Chore you hate:  Cleaning the shower.  I don't really like vacuuming, either.

Dogs or cats:  Well, I really like cats, but I'm allergic so I can't have any.  So dogs, I guess.

Essential start of your day:  Breakfast!  Recently I've been making breakfast sandwiches and burritos over the weekend (using these recipes) and freezing them so I can just grab them on my way out the door, and this has been working pretty well.

Favorite color:  Hmm...I'll say orange.  But I pretty much like every color.  Except for mustard yellow, and the combination of black and white.

Gold or silver:  Gold, 100%.  It just looks way better on me.

Height:  5'6".  A guy once mentioned that this was pretty tall for a girl.  But then when I said thank you, he said, "That wasn't a complement."  So, who knows. 

Instrument you play (or have played):  Piano and flute.  I wanted to play the drums in high school, but my mom said no :-/.

Job titles you've had:  Baby sitter, Sales Associate (at FYE), Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, regular Teaching Assistant, Teacher's Aide, Front Desk/Breakfast Attendant (at Harding House Bed and Breakfast), Product Tester (at Dymo-Mimio Interactive Teaching Technologies), and ORISE Graduate Fellow.

Kids:  None yet.  Gimme a couple of years.

Live:  Kailua, Hawaii.  Only for like 2.5 more months, though!  I'm making a list of all the stuff I want to do before we leave, and I'll try to fit at least one thing in for every weekend we have left.  This weekend might involve mini-golfing here.

Mom's name:  Catherine

Nickname:  My nickname in middle/high school was kind of Sunny, but no one really called me that on any sort of regular basis. 

Overnight hospital stays:  Just one, when I was only a few days old.  I had an infection or something.

Pet peeves:  Oh my goodness, I hate it when people walk behind my car while I'm trying to back out of a parking space!  Also when people leave crumbs in the butter, peanut butter in the jelly jar, etc.

Quote from a movie:  "You're a handsome devil; what's your name?"


Right or left handed:  Rightie.

Siblings:  Just my big bro, Jordan :).

Time you wake up:  Currently I've been waking up at 5am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to work out, 5:45am on Tuesdays and Thursdays (although generally I snooze until 6), and whenever I feel like it on the weekends, although it's usually no later than about 8:30am.

Underwear:  The more brightly colored, the better.

Vegetables you dislike:'s kind of a cliche, but I'm not a huge fan of lima beans.  Or water chestnuts.  Or seaweed, if that counts as a vegetable.

What makes you run late:  Hitting the snooze and generally moving slowly in the morning.  Also the fact that Kevin now gets up around the same time that as I do and immediately turns on the Daily Show (which totally comes on at 6am because we live in Hawaii!).  Every day I tell myself I can't stop and watch, but I always do.

X-rays you've had done:  I had an x-ray of my knee once.  I don't think it showed anything unusual, though.

Yummy food you make:  I think it's pretty apparent that I make all of the yummy food.  ;-)

Zoo animals:  Peacocks!  And Golden Lion Tamarins.

Okay, that's it!  Now you know all about me.  Have a good weekend!

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