Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Hi!  I haven't written in like a week because I've been that unhelpful combination of both really busy and really lazy.  I planned to make something like 5 posts, and none of them happened, and now I feel the best thing to do is to throw all my random thoughts down here and then move on.

So.  Here's what I've been up to since the last time I wrote:

1) Eating all of the goat cheese.  So far I've mixed it with mayo, Greek yogurt, and smoked paprika for the dressing on some cranberry pecan chicken salad, stuck it in an omelette with some chives, onion powder, and imitation crab, and used it in the sauce for this awesome Taco Pasta:

I added frozen veggies to the pasta water right before the pasta finished cooking, then combined the goat cheese with Greek yogurt, salsa, and taco seasoning for the sauce.  It was pretty great :).

2) Eating fro-yo like it's my job.  The boyf and I (but mostly I) decided that outings to Yogurt Mama should be a weekly thing.  We're doing it on Monday nights so that instead of being all like, "Aww, tomorrow's Monday..." on Sunday evenings, we'll go, "Hooray, tomorrow's Monday!" instead.  Yes, I play mind games with myself.  It's fine.

Last night's fro yo was cookies and cream flavor with Cap'n Crunch, strawberries, caramel sauce, and marshmallow sauce.  It was good but not great.  I think next week I'll either go back to Salted Caramel flavor or try the pineapple flavor.

The night before, Kevin and I split a pint of mango frozen kefir, and we just had some Yasso frozen Greek yogurt bars.  Those are delish, b-t-dubs.  Strawberry flavor is the best :).

3) Studying for the GRE.  I took the test the first time about 4 years ago, and it got me into my Master's program well enough, but my math score really wasn't all that great.  My thinking is that if I can pull that score up, I might have a better chance of getting into a PhD program when I apply this fall (I figure every little bit counts, yeah?).  I'm re-taking this bad boy on October 13th, so I've got like 3 weeks to re-learn all the math I've forgotten since high school.  Math isn't really my strong point...this could either be a good idea or a terrible one depending on how it all goes down.  We'll see in October, I guess.  

4) Trying out protein pancakes.

I got the recipe from Meals and Moves and used the scaled-down version she suggests; the one change I made was adding a full scoop of protein powder even though I had decreased the amounts of all the other ingredients.  I topped it with some PB2 mixed with water and maple syrup.  They were good and I'll definitely make them again.  Next time I add some sugar or syrup to the batter, though.  I had thought that the sweetness from the protein powder combined with the maple syrup in the topping would be enough, but it wasn't, at least not for me.  Maybe next time I'll leave the syrup out of the topping and put it into the batter instead.

5) Marathon training!  I just finished the first month of training, so I'm 25% done!  Last week's long run was 8 miles, which I did with my friend Michelle.  For the most part we did it all without stopping (just here and there to wait for street lights to change and once to make sure we were going in the right direction) and we finished in 1 hour and 48 minutes.  I know this time isn't particularly fast, but I felt good about it.  The last time I remember running 8 miles was 4 years ago and I think it took me at least 2 hours, so at least Saturday's run was an improvement on that!

Anyway, that's about it.  Tomorrow's Wednesday so (in theory) I'll be back to let you know what I ate :).

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