Thursday, January 10, 2013

David Bowie, JCore Day 3, and What I Ate Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday, everyone!  Kevin and I just got back from the movies, where they were having a special showing of Labyrinth!  I loooove that movie, it's my #1 favorite childhood movie and it was really great to be able to see it on the big screen.  Singing and Muppets and David Bowie and his eyeshadow and his hair - it just doesn't get better than this, friends.


Now that we've talked about that, here's how things are going on the JCore front:

The Workout

Today I did Cardio Core 4x4.  This video was entirely made up of floor-work, with lots of leg lift variations and exercises in the plank position.  I used the modified versions of a lot of the plank moves, just because my upper body strength is terrible/non-existent.  I liked this video for a couple of reasons.  First, the time seemed to go by much more quickly today than yesterday; I was seriously done before I knew it.  Second, the JCore website claims that these workouts will engage your muscles from multiple angles, and I definitely got that sense today.  Also Jay was a little calmer today, which was nice, although he was still a bit silly at times (“We’re gonna do the Running Man!  Run away from that fat!”).

The Food

Breakfast: Oatmeal with figs, pecans, and feta cheese.

I made the jump into savory oatmeal, and it was AWESOME!  I’ll definitely do it again (I’ve been thinking of a variation involving feta cheese and caramelized onions and maybe some turkey bacon).  The one shortcoming was that 2 dried figs equaled an entire fruit portion, which was kind of sad because 2 dried figs do not have a lot of volume.

Snack 1: Cottage cheese with pumpkin pie spice and vanilla.

Since I used up my whole fruit portion in my oatmeal I didn’t put anything into my cottage cheese today (I guess I could have taken my fruit portion from lunch, but then I would have been sad at lunch instead).  It wasn’t bad, but I definitely prefer it with strawberries.

Lunch: Salad with pecans, feta cheese, sliced ham, and currant tomatoes.  Totally forgot to take a picture again.  Here’s a picture of the tomatoes instead:

I love these guys, I think they’re so adorable!  I also had a cup of cherries on the side.

Dinner: Whole grain pasta with grilled chicken, and edamame.

I forgot to take a picture of the edamame but they looked the same as Monday's edamame so that's probably fine.

Snack:  Fake latte.  I forgot to take a picture of this as well, but it pretty much looked exactly like this one from yesterday:

So far, the most difficult part of this system is planning out and preparing all the food. It really takes up a good amount of my time in the evenings to plan out what I'm going to eat the next day (at least up to the second snack), make whatever needs making, and pack it up so it's ready to go in the morning. It's definitely helpful to make big batches of things like grilled chicken and hard boiled eggs at one time so that I can eat them all week, but then I run into the problem of getting bored with eating the same things over and over.  Like, it's Wednesday, I've only been doing this for 3 days and I'm already so tired of chicken.  Hopefully once I get further into the program I'll be able to streamline my process a little so that it won't take as much time.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to have the kind of will-power you do for planning and then eating meals. I try, but sometimes I don't make it to the grocery store, and sometimes I don't end up buying enough food for the whole week, and sometimes I've bought the wrong things to make a meal out of, and sometimes I end up not wanting the meal I thought I was going to eat. It's an uphill battle, but you rock it! Brava :)
