Sunday, January 13, 2013

JCore Day 6

Hello friends.  I didn't get to the zoo today, unfortunately;  I was too busy staying in bed and watching Farscape and The 10th Kingdom.  We're going to try to get out there tomorrow so hopefully that will work out.

The Workout

Cardio Core 4x4.  I feel like I had a little bit of an easier time with it today.  Also, one of the backup/background people in the video is named Sarah and it's kind of fun to hear Jay say things like, "How you doing, Sarah?  Looking good!"  Keeps me going :).

The Food

Breakfast: Egg whites and banana ricotta toast.

I also had a latte, but we've seen the picture for that like 4 times already.

Snack/Lunch:  Cottage cheese with strawberries and ground ginger.

This was meant to be a snack, but I didn't eat it until about 2 (breakfast was at like 9:30-ish) and I didn't eat again until like 7, so it kind of served as my lunch.

Dinner: Double decker chicken burger on an English muffin with hummus and Laughing Cow cheese, butternut squash, green beans, and milk.

I had kind of a weird eating schedule today, and I ended up eating almost half of my day's calories in this meal.  I feel like most of the time you wouldn't want to backload your calories in this way...right?  I don't really know, but I figure if it's just one day it's probably fine.  My burger was really good.  I used two patties because I was super hungry and one seemed like it would too small.  The one problem was that it ended up being to tall for me to fit into my mouth!  So I split it into 2 open-faced burgers and that was fine.  Also, I got a new brand of milk, and I like it much better.  This time I have Archer Farms organic from Target. and it's pretty good.  So far, the brands of milk I like tend to be the organic (read: expensive) ones, which is kind of unfortunate, but whatever.  I also had an orange a little bit after dinner:

So, I totally did not eat enough veggies today.  I had about 1/3 of my recommended amount.  But, get this:  I got in all of my protein servings!  I'm pretty impressed with myself.  We'll see if I can do it again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you made it to the zoo!

    I always think organic milk is totally worth the better taste and the possible relative health benefits (plus the longer shelf life, which is important for someone who drinks milk as slowly as I do), so I totally support your organic-milk-buying habit.
