Tuesday, January 8, 2013

JCore Day 1

Hi pals.  I'm too tired to make a big thing out of this, so I'm just gonna bang it out.  Here we go:

The Workout

Since today is Day 1, we started with the Fit Test.  This is a series of 10 exercises done in succession for 60 seconds each.  The goal is to do as many reps as you can in the 60 seconds.  The guidebook comes with a tracking sheet for you to record how many reps of each exercise you do.  You repeat the Fit Test on Days 7, 14, 28, and 40, each time striving to complete more reps of each exercise than you did the last time.

To me the exercises seemed to be very focused on core and balance.  Balance isn't really my strong point, so I did have a bit of trouble with some of them.  In terms of difficulty, the moves themselves aren't particularly hard to do; however, I was definitely sweating by the end, and I often needed put my foot down to stabilize myself during some of the balance moves.  I'd say this Fit Test is easier than the Insanity Fit Test, but then again most things are easier than Insanity.  Towards the end of the day I started noticing that my butt was a little sore, which is a good thing I guess.  The video (and I imagine all the rest of the videos as well) is lead by Jay Cardiello, the creator of the program.  My first impression of Jay is that he's a little overly enthusiastic for my tastes, but this is fairly easy to ignore, so far at least.

The Food


Breakfast today was oatmeal with blueberries and cottage cheese with strawberries.  No sugar in either.  The cottage cheese was fine, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I had expected to.  The oatmeal, however, was not awesome.  I don't know what I expected, but it was significantly less delicious than I wanted it to be.  I'm thinking that as an alternative I may start exploring some savory oatmeal options.  I'll keep you posted.

Lunch I completely forgot to take a picture of, but it was salad with grilled chicken, black beans, pecans, mixed frozen veggies, and dressing made out of hummus, apple cider vinegar, and a little soy sauce.  I also had a cup of cherries on the side.


Snack was edamame with about 3 tablespoons of mixed nuts.  I forgot to bring in salt for the edamame, but I found a small packet of parmesan cheese in the kitchen and that seemed to work just fine.  I actually also forgot to take a picture of this meal until well after the fact.  So those are totally empty soybean pods in the picture.


Sorry that this picture is terrible.  I was trying to simultaneously hold my milk, keep the plate from  sliding,  and take the picture on my phone without making it super obvious that I'm not wearing any pants.  
Dinner was sliced chicken with mixed veggies and whole wheat pasta, along with a glass of skim milk.  Not very exciting.  Also I hate skim milk.

Mostly today was fine.  I did get hungry in between meals sometimes.  I also ended up not eating all of my recommended portions of protein or fat, so probably the best solution would be to add in another snack somewhere in my day.

Okay, I'm asleep.  I'll be back tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures! Didn't know they were empty soybean pods until you told me. Also didn't know you weren't wearing pants! Success!
