Tuesday, January 15, 2013

JCore Day 7

(Sorry everyone, this is totally yesterday's.  I fell asleep while writing again...)

We went to the zoo today!  I love zoos, they're so much fun.  Despite all out intentions and efforts we were pretty lazy this morning, so we only go out there about an hour and a half before it closed, but that was fine.  We saw so many fun animals:

The best was this guy, a Golden Lion Tamarin:

It had been all the way on the other side of the enclosure when we got there.  Then, Kevin said, "Hey, monkey!  You know, there's some bananas over here!"  He pointed and said, "Bananas!" a couple of times, and then the tamarin came over and starting eating!  It was pretty awesome.

The Workout

Fit Test 2!  I did a lot better this week, so I'm pretty happy with the results.  I just realized I forgot to put up my results from Fit Test 1, so here are both:

Fit Test 1
Popsicle Right: 15
Popsicle Left: 16
Leaning Tower of Pisa Right: 15
Leaning Tower of Pisa Left: 15
Charlies Angels Right: 20
Charlie's Angels Left: 19
Breakdancers: 6
Pick Me Ups: 8
Thread the Needle: 20
Get Ups: 5

Fit Test 2

Popsicle Right: 19 (modified)
Popsicle Left: 19 (modified)
Leaning Tower of Pisa Right: 24 (modified)
Leaning Tower of Pisa Left: 23 (modified)
Charlies Angels Right: 36
Charlie's Angels Left: 34
Breakdancers: 18
Pick Me Ups: 10 real, 8 modified
Thread the Needle: 60 (with breaks)
Get Ups: 8

For the Popsicle and Leaning Tower of Pisa I modified the move by putting my toe down for balance, and for the Pick Me Ups I modified by going to my knees halfway through.  I'm sure I had similar modifications during Fit Test 1 but I forgot to write them down.  I'm hoping that by Fit Test 3 I won't need to modify anymore.  Also I have no idea what the names of these moves are about.

The Food

Breakfast: Toast with almond butter, turkey bacon, and a cheese stick.

Snack/Lunch: Green beans and broccoli with Laughing Cow cheese and milk.

Dinner: Fish sandwich with pineapple cole slaw and salad.

The little piles of bread on the side are from my bun; I didn't think there would be  sesame seeds on it, but there were!  So I peeled the top layer of bread off.  It also came with a little cup of pineapple cole slaw, which was great.

For dinner we went to this cheeseburger place in Waikiki called (wait for it) Cheeseburger Waikiki:

Even though I didn't get one, the burger selection was great.  I just figured that chicken or fish would be healthier, and since I both always cook myself chicken and never cook myself fish, I went with the fish.  It was really good, it had some sort of sweet chili/teriyaki sauce which was nice.  Kevin got a hamburger that was stuffed with bacon and cheese.  I had a bite and it was so amazingly delicious.  I ordered a side salad with my sandwich, but Kevin of course ordered (delicious) fries.  I meant to only eat one, but I totally ate four.  They were great, though :).  

1 comment:

  1. The zoo! Hooray!

    Also, way to rock the second fitness test! That's some serious improvement for one week.

    And mebbe you ought to think about getting a little more sleep. Just maybe.
