Thursday, January 10, 2013

JCore Day 2

I was supposed to post this yesterday!  But I didn’t.  Sorry, blogoverse.   Here’s how things went:

The Workout

Today was the first official workout of the program:  Rev Up.  In this video you do a series of exercises for 30 seconds each.  Each move flows into the next without any breaks; there aren’t even any distinctions between the main workout and the warm-up and cool-down.  Because each move goes right into the next in this way it was a little difficult to follow the progression at times, but I imagine this is something that will improve as I become more familiar with the videos.  I did modified versions of most of the balance moves, as well as some of the lunge-based moves since my knees are still a little wonky.  As for Jay, he was very perky and very excited and he NEVER STOPPED TALKING.  I tuned him out after a while, which was fine.

I also went back to TRX class today after almost a month-long absence, which was so exciting!  I love TRX, and I’m glad to be back.

The Food

Breakfast:  Almond butter and sliced strawberry sandwich on whole wheat bread. 

This was delicious, and I was really happy with it.  It actually kept me full for longer than expected, which was nice. 

Snack 1: Cottage cheese with strawberries.

Since I had gotten hungry between breakfast and lunch yesterday, I decided to take part of my breakfast and save it as a snack.  This worked really well so I’ll probably do it again tomorrow.

Lunch: Blueberries, chicken salad, and cucumbers.

I used an entire can of chicken and some Greek yogurt (instead of mayo) to make the chicken salad, which ended up being about 7.5 servings of protein.  I also used an entire cucumber.  At first I started out just scooping the chicken salad onto the cucumber slices one at a time, but this was really a two-handed endeavor.  I wanted my lunch to be more one-handed so I broke the cucumber slices into fourths and just mixed everything together:

This was really filling (I actually didn’t finish it all), so I saved the blueberries for after I got back from TRX.

Snack 1:  Chicken with barbecue sauce and a fake latte.

FYI everyone, we have like no table space in our apartment so we eat sitting on the bed.  This is why all of my food pictures from home have sheets in the background :p.

I don’t think I’m really supposed to have barbecue sauce because of the sugar content, but I really have a hard time eating just plain chicken and I couldn’t think of anything else to put on it (it totally doesn’t help that I overcooked the chicken and it’s pretty dry).  I made the latte by heating up a cup of skim milk and mixing it with some instant coffee.  This one tasted kind of gross, though, so I only drank about half.

Dinner:  Bell pepper and sweet potato tortilla chips with hummus.

I basically had snack for dinner, and I think this is fine.  The bell pepper sounded like a great idea until I started eating, at which point I only wanted to eat the chips.  However, I needed to get my veggies in so I ate most of the pepper (Kevin helped me out with  the last couple of slices).  The chips were great, although eating the majority of my day’s carb allowance as tortilla chips probably isn’t the healthiest of ideas.

Snack 2: Better fake latte.

This one was made with a different flavor of instant coffee (this was Starbucks Via Columbian while the first one was Starbucks Via Verdana Blend) and was much better.  I feel like I’m probably going to have most if not all of my skim milk in latte form from now on (i.e. from now until February 15 which is as long as I plan to consume non-fat dairy products).

I should also mention that the JCore system recommends 4 supplements: Zero-Lite, which is a metabolism-boosting drink, Body-Lite, which is a snack replacement shake, Recovery-Lite, which is a post-workout drink, and Multi-Lite, which is a multivitamin.  I am not, nor do I have any intentions of, taking any of these, although the JCore website says that they are recommended for “optimal results.”

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