Thursday, February 7, 2013

JCore Day 10

Woohoo, it's Wednesday!  Almost the weekend.  Two more days, we can do it!

The Workout

Today I went to the gym during my lunch break and did 30 minutes on the Stair Master.  I was impressed with myself because I did the whole 30 minutes without stopping, which is a big improvement from last time where I had to stop and rest every 7 minutes.  I listened to the Rock of Ages soundtrack (the movie version), which is totally awesome and helped keep me going.

The Food

Breakfast:  Oatmeal applesauce pancakes with Justin's maple almond butter.

Just as delicious as on Monday (I also forgot to take a picture, so you might notice this is actually the same picture as Monday).

Lunch:  Chicken salad with low-sodium Triscuits and grapes.

I usually don't advocate eating chicken salad with a spoon, but the kitchen was out of forks and you gotta do what you gotta do.
I made the chicken salad with half a can of chicken, black beans, and a wedge of Laughing Cow Light Garlic and Herb cheese (2 wedges would have been better, but I was all out).  I had a handful of grapes before I went to the gym, then finished up the rest with lunch.

Dinner:  Tomato soup with chicken and feta.

I threw the other half of the can of chicken in here for added protein.

Snack: About 15 tortilla chips that I totally didn't take a picture of.

Okay, so tomorrow starts Phase 2 of the JCore nutrition plan.  The main changes here will be that I will cut out cheese and bread and I'll drop down to only one serving of fruit each day.  The other thing I'm going to do is drop down to the 1500 calorie plan.  This is the plan that was suggested for me in the guidebook, but I was worried that 1500 calories wouldn't be enough for me so I chose the 1750 calorie plan instead.  One of the first things I noticed was that it was almost impossible for me to get the recommended amount of protein, so I cut out a serving and dropped down to 1650 calories a day.  This has been mostly fine so far, but I'm still noticing that I frequently don't eat all my protein or vegetable servings because I'm too full at the end of the day.  So, for this next phase I'm going to try the 1500 calorie plan and see how it goes.  If I find that I am too hungry, I'll try adding in an extra serving of protein or vegetables and see how that works out.

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