Saturday, February 16, 2013

Our first CSA box!

So many goodies inside!

Oooh, I was SO excited when this came!  I've been wanting to do a CSA for a really long time but was just never really in a position to order one before.  I looked online and found a company called Just Add Water, which was very reasonably priced and offered free home delivery to people living in Kailua.  I chose the 'Gourmet' box option (a mix of fruits and veggies plus a few specialty items) which is about $30 a week.  We also chose to have the boxes delivered every other week, since we're not sure yet how quickly we'll be able to get through everything.  Here's what was inside:

Rainbow chard and kale.

Assorted herbs: basil, rosemary, thyme, and oregano.

I didn't realized until just now how blurry this picture is.  Also, this is lettuce.

One of the side-effects of getting farm-fresh food - this little guy hitched a ride to our place.

Some sort of sprouts.  We're not really big sprout-eaters over here, so we'll have to figure out what to do with them.

Mushrooms!  Kevin doesn't like mushrooms, but I do!

Coffee!  So far I've only ever used pre-ground coffee, but I've heard grinding your own is better.

Avocados!  These might be two different varieties, I'm not sure.

I think the first two are sweet potatoes, but I'm not sure about the third.  Maybe taro?

Bok choy.

Bananas, lemon, and what I think are tangerines.

Overall I'd say we got a pretty decent haul.  I'm excited because there are lot of items that I probably should be eating but would never have bought for myself.  I'm hoping having this CSA share will help us eat more vegetables without relying solely on the frozen kind, as well as be a little more creative with how we're cooking.

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