Wednesday, February 20, 2013

JCore Day 22

I'm terrible, which means this post was supposed to go up on Monday, Feb 18.

This morning I had a blood donation appointment, but my iron levels were too low again.  I am a bit worried about it, because this is the second time in a row I’ve been deferred for low iron.  It might be more understandable if I hadn’t been eating as much protein as I currently am.  I’m thinking about adding an iron supplement into my daily vitamin regiment, but first I think I’m just going to pay more attention to the actual amounts of iron in the things I’m eating.  If, after tracking for a while, I see that I’m not actually getting 100% of my Daily Value of iron from my food I can then decide whether to adjust my diet or start taking iron pills.

The Workout
This morning before going to give blood I did Fire Fit.  I’m still having trouble with most of the balance exercises, so this time I tried to really focus on doing the balance moves without modification.  For the most part, this meant that I was moving really slowly through most of the moves, but I’m hoping it will allow me to make improvements in these types of exercises.

Breakfast: Protein shake and wheat Chex.

I didn’t have a lot of time, so I ate this in the car on the way to the blood donation site.  The shake is my standard milk, protein powder, frozen banana, almond butter, ice concoction.  I used almond butter instead of peanut butter because it’s what I had, but I actually feel like I prefer peanut butter in this recipe.  The almond butter is good, just not the same.

Snack: Pear and string cheese.
Lunch:  Butternut squash soup with chicken.

No pictures of either of these, I’m afraid.  The snack was eaten while shopping at/driving home from Walmart, and I had the soup right after waking up for a nap (I was still a little groggy, so I didn’t think to snap a picture until it was too late).

Dinner: Leftover Asian beef with farro and baby carrots because why not.

This is the last of last night’s slow-cooker Asian beef, on top of some leftover faro from yesterday’s breakfast.  There was a lot of broth so it kind of turned into soup, which was perfectly lovely.  I thought about having some hummus with the carrots, but I couldn’t be bothered.  

Also, I realize that 'petite' carrots are just regular carrots that have been pared down, but I still extra like them.  Is this weird?

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